Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Cllr Bowen to drive into Bute park cos hes wearing his chains?

I asked Cardiff council what restrictions they put on vehicles entering listed Bute park where pedestrians and cyclists must have priority ...I got a reply from the restoration commercialisation project manager Julia Sas, (  who  talking about the Fun Day specifically for opening of new education centre cafe & toilets said "we will have vehicles entering for the set up of the owl sanctuary and RSPB marquees, these will be managed by ourselves and stood down before the event begins. We will also have the Lord Mayor arriving and leaving by car during the event as he will be wearing is (heavy and expensive) chains of office."

However I noticed that Councillor Delme Bowen and his wife, Lady Mayoress Pam Bowen, rode a tandem bike across the Cardiff Bay barrage complete with chains of office Read More shame on you Delme - Get on your bike and leave the car at home!
The new 'all seasons' cafe seating is all outdoors and was flooded today. The seating is in a very cramped small area with one wall being the counter for food and the other the toilets - is this hygienic? Do want to sit nest to toilets while you eat? Uck! And Disabled people, especially those in a chair or  with a walker would not be able get through the clutter to the disabled toilet.

The real friends of Bute Park say the park is for the peaceful enjoyment by the people of Cardiff—people on foot do not wish to be harassed by vehicles, small children need to safely run around. 

If coming into the city by car, please park outside and join us on foot,  If you are Park staff, do likewise and respect our environment . 
Joint us in demanding that Cardiff Council apply strict controls on vehicles in our Park, provide cycles for the Park rangers and electric buggies for gardeners.
  1.  Only vehicles with a legitimate operational need may enter the park
  2. Vehicle movement during an event is not permitted except in exceptional circumstances.
  3. Vehicles  must not damage the fabric of the park, e.g. by straying off hard     surfaces.

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